
The following are things I find useful as a designer and developer. Maybe you will too! Also included, some stuff I recommend.
Website Hosting
Domain Hosting
Use these guys. Do NOT register your domains with GoDaddy. If you have GoDaddy domains, transfer them to Dynadot. Trust me, I'm trying to make your life better.
Use these guys. Do NOT register your domains with GoDaddy. If you have GoDaddy domains, transfer them to Dynadot. Trust me, I'm trying to make your life better.
Filler Text for Cut-and-Paste
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis ante posuere, sagittis dolor placerat, sollicitudin odio. Donec sapien justo, pharetra id velit eget, malesuada ornare tortor. Phasellus sit amet enim nec justo tincidunt pharetra vitae aliquam orci.